Mr Daniel P Bryan
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As a registered Paramedic (PA22088), your fitness to practise is impaired by
reason of misconduct and/or a health condition. In that:
1. On 23 December 2020, when attending a call to Patient A, you did not provide
adequate treatment in that:
a. You did not maintain continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation
b. You initially used an Oropharyngeal airway, bag valve mask and oxygen
rather than an i-gel airway appropriate for unconscious/apnoeic/cardiac
arrest cases.
c. You did not continuously monitor and/or record monitoring of Patient A’s
End-tidal CO2
d. You did not follow the correct process for Recognition of Life Extinct
(ROLE), in that:
i. You did not ensure that Patient A received at least 20 minutes of
continuous Advanced Life Support (ALS) treatment
ii. ROLE was implemented when Patient A was not in asystole for 30
seconds and/or Patient A was not in asystole persistently and
2. In respect of particular 1, you did not inform the Police of Patient A’s sudden
3. You did not complete an accurate Patient Care Record (PCR) of your
attendance to Patient A in that:
a. You ticked that the control room (CCC) was notified and Police attendance
had been requested when this was not the case
b. You ticked that ETCo2 had been used when this was not the case
c. You indicated that 20 minutes of ALS treatment was carried out when this
was not the case
d. You indicated that Patient A was in asystole at the point of ROLE when this
was not the case.
4. Your conduct in relation to particular 3 was dishonest.
5. You have a physical and/or mental health condition as set out in Schedule A.
6. The matters set out in particulars 1,2, 3 and 4 above constitute misconduct.
7. By reason of your misconduct and/or health your fitness to practise is
No information currently available
No information currently available
No notes available
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Mr Daniel P Bryan
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
26/11/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Hearing has not yet been held |