Mr Jonathan Sheriff

Profession: Biomedical scientist

Registration Number: BS61820

Hearing Type: Review Hearing

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 13/10/2021 End: 17:00 13/10/2021

Location: Virtual hearing - Video conference

Panel: Conduct and Competence Committee
Outcome: Conditions of Practice

Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.



Allegations as proven at the final hearing:

As a registered Biomedical Scientist [BS61820] your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct, in that whilst working for Hull Royal Infirmary:

1. On or around 13 August 2018, you crossed two cases over when sectioning, in that you:

a) Mislabelled the slide block 18H18942 with 18H18943

b) Mislabelled the slide for 18H18942 Block 1 as Block 4.

2. On 25 September 2018, during an embedding competency assessment you did not count how many blocks you were embedding on case 18H23184.

3. On 25 September 2018, you embedded a Hirschsprung’s biopsy on case 18H23112 incorrectly.

4. On or around 19 October 2018, you were asked to cut thin sections from a block however, the section(s) you cut were thicker sections than they should have been and/or discarded too much tissue.

5. On 8 November 2018, you incorrectly cut a cervical cone sample to full face.

6. [Not proven]

a) [Not proven]

b) [Not proven]

7. The matters set out in paragraphs 1 – 6 constitute misconduct.

8. By reason of your misconduct your fitness to practise is impaired.




No information currently available


The Panel has varied the Conditions of Practice Order set out above. It has directed that the varied Conditions of Practice Order should be for a period of 36 months commencing on 19 October 2021.

Accordingly The Registrar is directed to annotate the Register to show that, for a period of 36 months from the date that this Order comes into effect (“the Operative Date”), that in the event you undertake any work as a Biomedical Scientist, you, Mr Jonathan Sheriff, must comply with the following conditions of practice:

1. You must place yourself and remain under the supervision of a workplace supervisor of at least a Band 6 level who is registered by the HCPC, and supply details of your supervisor to the HCPC within 21 days of obtaining employment as a BMS in either a locum or permanent role.

2. You must attend upon that workplace supervisor as required but no less than fortnightly to discuss your workload paying particular regard to the failures identified during this hearing, and you must follow their advice and recommendations.

3. You must provide the HCPC, 21 days prior to any review, with a record of competence countersigned by your workplace supervisor.

4. You must promptly inform the HCPC if you cease to be employed by your current employer as a Biomedical Scientist or take up any other or further employment as a Biomedical Scientist.

5. You must inform the following parties that your registration is subject to these conditions:

A. Any organisation or person employing or contracting with you to undertake any professional work as a Biomedical Scientist;
B. Any agency you are registered with or apply to be registered for any work as a Biomedical Scientist with (at the time of application); and
C. Any prospective employer with whom you are seeking any employment as a Biomedical Scientist. (at the time of your application).


No notes available

Hearing History

History of Hearings for Mr Jonathan Sheriff

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
13/10/2021 Conduct and Competence Committee Review Hearing Conditions of Practice
16/09/2020 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Conditions of Practice