Adjournment information


Panels have a legal obligation to conduct fitness to practice proceedings expeditiously. It is in the interests of all parties, and the wider public interest, that hearings are held as soon as possible. Panels use their case management powers to ensure that, so far as possible, hearings take place on the scheduled date and normally will only adjourn proceedings where it is shown that failing to do so will create a potential injustice.

In relation to HCPTS proceedings, a distinction is made between postponement and adjournment, in that:

  • postponement is an administrative action which may be taken on behalf of the Tribunal by the Head of Tribunal Services up to 28 days before the date on which a hearing is due to begin; and
  • adjournment is a decision for the Panel or its Chair, taken at any time after that 28 day limit has passed or once the proceedings have begun or are part heard.

Further details about postponement and adjournments are set out in the HCPTS Practice Note on postponement and adjournment of proceedings.

If you are a registrant or their representative and have received a notice of hearing and wish to make a postponement application please email
