Mr Simon A Lockyear
Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via tsteam@hcpts-uk.org or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.
Whilst registered with the Health and Care Professions Council as a Biomedical Scientist and employed by Public Health Wales Microbiology, approximately between October 2017 and December 2017 you:
1. Did not put plate labels to indicate:
a) The sensitivities on the culture plates;
b) Future culture testing was needed.
2. Reported that for the following cases there were H3 sensitivities when the results would not have been available yet:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
3. Reported that for the following cases there were H4 sensitivities when the results would not have been available yet:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
d) U17*******
4. Reported that for the following cases there were H5 sensitivities when the results would not have been available yet:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
d) U17*******
e) U17*******
5. Reported that for the following cases there were A1 A2A sensitivities when the results would not have been available yet:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
6. Did not correctly report results for the following cases:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
d) U17*******
e) U17*******
7. Reported the organism identity and sensitivities in a single results entry for the following cases when the results would not have been available yet:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
d) U17*******
e) U17*******
f) U17*******
g) U17*******
h) U17*******
i) U17*******
j) U17*******
k) U17*******
l) U17*******
m) U17*******
n) U17*******
o) U17*******
p) U17*******
q) U17*******
r) U17*******
s) U17*******
u) U17*******
v) U17*******
w) U17*******
x) U17*******
y) U17*******
z) U17*******
ff) U17*******
8. Reported Malditof results for the following cases when these were not available:
a) U17*******
b) U17*******
c) U17*******
d) U17*******
e) U17*******
f) U17*******
g) U17*******
h) U17*******
i) U17*******
j) U17*******
9. Did not put through specimens requiring antibiotic ranges other than H1 for further culture work.
10. The matters set out in paragraphs 1-9 constitute to misconduct and / or lack of competence.
ORDER: The Registrar is directed to suspend the registration of Mr Simon A Lockyear for a further period of 12 months on the expiry of the existing order.
The Order imposed today will apply from 11 August 2022.
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Mr Simon A Lockyear
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
18/04/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Struck off |
14/07/2023 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
12/07/2022 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
03/02/2022 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
13/01/2022 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Adjourned part heard |
11/01/2021 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Suspended |