Mrs Irene B Murray
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No information currently available
The Interim Conditions of Practice Order made on 19 March 2021, and varied on 30 September 2021 and 8 March 2022, is varied.
1. You must place yourself and remain under the supervision of a supervisor, registered by the HCPC if working in the UK, or other appropriate statutory regulator if working outside the UK and supply details of your supervisor to the HCPC within one month of starting relevant work. You must attend upon that supervisor as required and follow the supervisor’s advice and recommendations.
2. You must not undertake any unsupervised assessment and/or treatment of high-risk diabetic patients, and/or peripheral arterial disease (with and without foot wounds) or perform any nail surgery before:
a. having satisfactorily completed theoretical and practical training on the vascular and neurological assessment of high-risk patients with and without diabetes, and being signed off as competent by your supervisor;
b. having satisfactorily completed theoretical and practical training in the delivery of local analgesia and nail surgery techniques, and being signed off as competent by your supervisor;
c. completing refresher training identified by your supervisor; and
d. forward a copy of your results of a-c above to HCPC no later than 10 days prior to any Review Hearing.
3. You must promptly inform and provide details to the HCPC:
a. if you obtain work for which you require HCPC registration;
b. if, after obtaining a new employer, you cease to be employed by them or take up any other or further employment.
4. You must promptly inform the HCPC of any disciplinary proceedings taken against you by your employer.
5. You must inform the following parties that your registration is subject to these conditions:
a. any organisation or person employing or contracting with you to undertake professional work;
b. any agency you are registered with or apply to be registered
with (at the time of application);
c. any prospective employer (at the time of your application); and
d. any overseas regulator that you are required to register with to practise in Podiatry.
6. You must keep up to date a Personal Development Plan (PDP) designed to address the deficiencies in the following areas of your practice and share this with any supervisor you are under:
a. clinical management of high risk and nail surgery patients;
b. teamwork;
c. communication;
d. record keeping.
7. Within three months of starting relevant work, you must forward a copy of your PDP to the HCPC. A copy of your updated PDP must be sent to the HCPC no later than 10 days prior to any review hearing.
8. If undertaking relevant work, you must meet with your supervisor as required by them to consider your progress towards achieving the aims set out in your PDP. These meetings must be on no less than a monthly basis.
9. You must allow your supervisor to provide information to the HCPC about your progress towards achieving the aims set out in your PDP.
10. You must maintain a reflective practice profile detailing your reflection on the areas identified in Condition 6. This profile must be sent to the HCPC no less than 10 days prior to any review hearing.
11. You will be responsible for meeting any and all costs associated with complying with these conditions.
This order will be reviewed by the Committee no later than 6 September 2022 or earlier if new evidence which is relevant to the Order becomes available.
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Mrs Irene B Murray
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
12/12/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
10/09/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Adjourned |
12/07/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
20/03/2024 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
14/12/2023 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
25/05/2023 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
24/02/2023 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
23/11/2022 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
06/06/2022 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |
08/03/2022 | Investigating Committee | Interim Order Review | Interim Conditions of Practice |