Mohammad Rahman
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As a registered Physiotherapist (PH105985) your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of lack of competence, in that:
1) You did not display an adequate level of clinical theoretical knowledge, in that:
a) On or around 22 November 2016, when you were treating Service User A, you:
i) Did not display an adequate level of understanding of the role of a locked knee brace;
ii) Did not display the ability to develop an exercise progression.
b) On or around 26 January 2017, when assessing Service User B, who was experiencing co-incidental low back pain, you:
i) Were unable to explain lumbar movements;
ii) Recommended an inappropriate assessment, in that you suggested that Service User B attempt ‘bridging’ exercises;
iii) Were unable to clinically justify your recommendation of ‘bridging exercises’;
iv) Caused unnecessary pain and discomfort to the patient.
2) You did not display an adequate level of clinical understanding, in that:
a) On or around 27 October 2016, when assessing Service User C, who was mobilising independently on stairs, you advised that they should move their bed downstairs;
b) On or around 29 December 2016, when questioned by colleague 1 regarding a description of gait, you answered that you were only able to identify gait by independent walking and/or walking with a stick.
3) You were unable to develop appropriate treatment and/or management skills, in that you:
a) On or around 11 October 2016, when assessing Service User D, you were unable to apply clinical reasoning to create a rationale for treatment for the repair of long head biceps in the absence of protocol;
b) On or around 18 October 2016, when assessing Service User E, you were unable to apply clinical reasoning when;
i) You were unable to provide adequate safe transfer technique for nursing staff;
ii) You were unable to discuss an action plan and/or future treatment sessions.
4) You were unable to develop appropriate discharge goals and/or plans, in that you:
a) On or around 17 November 2016, when assessing Service User F, you were:
i) Unaware of the discharge plans;
ii) Safety arrangements held under Section 5 of the Mental Health Act;
iii) Unable to advise on:
(1) Mobility devices;
(2) the use of a Commode;
(3) Further intervention.
iv) Due to the concerns in 4(ai – aii), you did not assess that Service User F was a risk and/or priority.
b) On or around 21 October 2016, when assessing Service User G:
i) Were unable to show an understanding of arranging a discharge date;
ii) you stated that you did not need to see Service User G as they were already discharged, when they had a discharge date of 25 October 2016;
c) On or around 17 November 2016, when assessing Service User H, you assessed that they were ready for discharge,mwhen this was not the case.
5) You were unable to apply appropriate and/or safe treatment, and/or management, in that:
a) On or around 10 October 2016, when treating Service User I, who had had Total Hip Replacement, you:
i) Treated them as if they had had a Total Knee Replacement;
ii) Were unaware of relevant standing exercises;
iii) Requested Service User I to sit before commencing hip exercises.
b) On or around 16 October 2016, when assisting Service User
J in going to the toilet, you:
i) Left Service User J’s back uncovered;
ii) Left Service User J to stand on his own when you left to retrieve a wheelchair.
c) On or around 17 October 2016, when treating Service User K, you did not stop treatment when Service User K presented with pain and asked for treatment to stop;
d) On or around 26 October 2016, when assessing Service User L, you were unable to provide them with a knee extension exercise;
i) Measure Service User M correctly for a stick;
ii) Use a goniometer correctly and/or accurately.
f) On or around 28 October 2016, when assisting Service User N with stair descending exercises, you did not notice that:
i) One of Service User N’s arms had not been inserted through the cuff of the crutch;
ii) One or both of the crutches were facing the wrong way.
g) On or around 11 November 2016, when assessing Service User O, who was recovering from Total Knee Replacement, you:
i) Were unable to measure and/or position the knee which had been replaced;
ii) Were unable to teach the use of a walking aid;
iii) Required prompting to stop treatment when Service User O informed you that they were feeling unwell.
6) You were unable to adequately evaluate clinical intervention, in that you:
a) On or around 21 October 2016, when assessing Service User G, you stated that Service User G was independent with standing exercises, when this was not the case;
b) On or around 15 November 2016, when assessing Service User P, you did not adapt Service User P’s mobility goals to account for their previous mobility;
c) On or around 11 October 2016 you discharged Service Users Q and/or R following total knee replacement surgery without discussion with a senior colleague and/or consultant
despite their significantly reduced range of movement.
7) You did not display adequate levels of written and/or verbal communication, in that you:
a) Did not document consent in writing for the following patients, on the following dates:
i) On or around 17 October 2016, when assessing Service User G;
ii) On or around 26 October 2016, when assessing Service User S.
b) On or around 7 November 2016, prior to treating Service User T, who’s discharge plan had recently changed, you required prompting to liaise with nursing staff.
8) You did not display an ability to understand and/or apply processes within a service, in that:
a) On or around 8 October 2016, you had to be prompted to treat Service User T, who had presented as in pain on 7 October 2019;
b) On or around 25 November 2016, when assessing Service User U, you were unable to recall how and/or when to refer Service User U to out-patient department;
c) On or around 9 November 2016, when completing a ‘yellow front sheet’ following your treatment of Service User V, you did not document Service User V’s correct address.
9) You did not display an ability to reflect and/or act on feedback, in that:
a) On or around 11 October 2016, when assessing Service User W who had had a Hip Revision, you were unable to complete the following without prompts, despite being coached
on them on 10 October 2016 with Service User T:
i) Stair assessment;
ii) Standing exercises.
b) On or around 26 October 2016, when assessing Service User L who had had a Total Knee Replacement, you were unable to advise on an exercise for a knee extension.
10) The matters set out in paragraphs 1 – 9 constitute lack of competence.
11) By reason of your lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired.
No information currently available
No information currently available
This hearing adjourned, part heard. The date for the reconvened hearing is to be confirmed
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Mohammad Rahman
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
20/06/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Conditions of Practice |
28/06/2023 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Conditions of Practice |
13/03/2023 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Adjourned part heard |
09/08/2021 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Final Hearing | Adjourned part heard |