Mrs Jaymie-Lee Fines

Profession: Arts therapist

Registration Number: AS16094

Hearing Type: Final Hearing

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 05/09/2023 End: 17:00 07/09/2023

Location: Virtual hearing via video conference.

Panel: Conduct and Competence Committee
Outcome: Adjourned

Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.



As a registered Arts Therapist your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct. In that:

1. On or around 01 May 2021 on your application for employment as a Mental Health Practitioner with Organisation A, you answered ‘no’ when asked if your conduct in relation to children had ever been a cause for concern or investigation, including workplace investigations, when this was not the case as:

a. you were the subject of an ongoing Health and Care Professions Council investigation relating to failure to maintain professional boundaries with a young person (Young Person A).

b. You had been subject to a LADO investigation regarding your conduct with Young Person A.

2. Your actions in relation to Particular 1 were dishonest.

3. The matters set out in Particulars 1 and 2 above constitute misconduct.

4. By reason of your misconduct your fitness to practise is impaired.


No information currently available


No information currently available


This hearing has adjourned, with no evidence heard. The date for the rescheduled hearing is to be confirmed.

Hearing History

History of Hearings for Mrs Jaymie-Lee Fines

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
05/09/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Adjourned