Kelly Weir
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Whilst registered as an Operating Department Practitioner and employed by Nuffield Health, the allegations against the resgitrant are as follows:
1. Removed an ampoule of Tramadol from hospital premises without justification.
2. On 29th and 30th April 2017 were unfit for duty, in that you had consumed alcohol and/or Tramadol whilst on call.
3. Your action described at paragraph 1 was dishonest.
4. Your actions described in paragraphs 1-3 constitute misconduct.
5. By reason of your misconduct, your fitness to practise as an Operating Department Practitioner is impaired.
Preliminary Matters
1. The Panel was provided with a Notice of Hearing dated 28 June 2024 which was sent to the registered email address of the Registrant.
2. The HCPC provided a signed Certificate dated 28 June 2024 confirming the Registrant’s email address, as well as the delivery receipt confirming that the email had been received at this email address on the same date.
3. It was established that the Notice of Hearing had been sent to the Registrant’s correct registered address. The Panel heard and accepted the advice of the Legal Assessor.
4. The Panel was satisfied that the Notice of Hearing had been properly served in accordance with the Health Professions Council (Conduct and Competence Committee) (Procedure Rules) 2003 (the Rules) and that the Registrant had been given sufficient notice of the hearing in accordance with the Rules.
Proceeding in Private
5. Ms Khorassani submitted that the hearing be held in private due to the matters relating to the health of the Registrant and her child.
6. The Legal Assessor reminded the Panel of the ‘open justice’ principle and the exceptions to this. Rule 10 of the Rules permits the panel to sit in private for all or part of the hearing if one or more of the exceptions apply.
7. The Panel noted that previous hearings had been held partially in private. However, the Registrant’s circumstances had changed, and this meant that the health issues related to her child were inextricably linked to the matters that the panel had to decide upon. The Registrant’s submissions were focused on her private family matters. For this reason, the Panel determined that it was necessary to hear the matter entirely in private.
ORDER: The Registrar is directed to strike the name of Mrs Kelly Weir from the HCPC Register with immediate effect.
The Order imposed today will apply from 26 July 2024.
No notes available
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Kelly Weir
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
26/07/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Struck off |
17/07/2023 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
26/07/2022 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
13/07/2021 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |
14/07/2020 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Review Hearing | Suspended |