Lisa Forgione

Profession: Practitioner psychologist

Registration Number: PYL039401

Hearing Type: Final Hearing

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 05/02/2025 End: 17:00 14/02/2025

Location: Virtually via Video Confernece

Panel: Conduct and Competence Committee
Outcome: Hearing has not yet been held

Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.



As a registered Practitioner Psychologist ([PYL039401) your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct. In that:

1. At an unknown time between October 2019 and 12 July 2021, you breached professional boundaries with Service User A in that you entered into an emotional and/or romantic relationship with him while he was assigned to you at HMP Isle of Wight.

2. On 6 September 2021, you provided a response to security questions from the Ministry of Justice in which you stated: “You had never been in a relationship with Service User A or given him the impression that you would want a relationship with him”, when this was not the case.

3. On 6 September 2021, you provided a response to security questions from the Ministry of Justice in which you stated that Service User A had disclosed the presence of a relationship between yourself and him for reasons as set out in Schedule A, when this was not the case.

4. Between 25 December 2021 and 15 February 2022, you breached professional boundaries and/or did not act in the best interests of Service User A by carrying out the course of conduct set out in Schedule B.

5. On 16 May 2022, you breached professional boundaries and/or did not act in the best interests of Service User A during the purple visit by carrying out the course of conduct set out in Schedule C.

6. On 20 May 2022, you wrote a letter to the HCPC in which you stated that you were not in a sexual, financial or emotional relationship with Service User A when this was not the case.

7. On 24 July 2022, you breached professional boundaries and/or did not act in the best interests of Service User A by sending him a birthday card detailed in Schedule D.

8. Your conduct in relation to allegations 1, 4, 5 and/or 7 was sexual in nature.

9. Your conduct in relation to allegations 2, 3 and/or 6 was dishonest.

10. The matters set out in allegations 1 to 9 above constitute misconduct

11. By reason of your misconduct your fitness to practise is impaired.


Schedule A 
You said, “My guess is that this may be linked to his personality difficulties, which make it difficult for him to regulate his emotions and deal with perceived rejection and abandonment. This combined with his own sense of victimisation and high levels of vengeful thinking may have led him to behave in this way in an attempt to harm me and cause me distress for
leaving him/my job and letting him down”

Schedule B
25/12/2021: Telephone contact between registrant and Service User A via the ward payphone
04/01/2022: Four-hour call between Service User A and registrant
08/01/2022: Call from registrant to Service User A
09/01/2022: Call between Service User A and registrant
16/01/2022: Four-hour call between Service User A and registrant
23/01/2022: Call between Service User A and registrant finishing at 04:00 on 24/01/2022
29/01/2022: Several hour-long call between Service User A and registrant
01/02/2022: Several hour-long call between Service User A and registrant
02/02/2022: Several hour-long call between Service User A and registrant
03/02/2022: Moonpig Valentine’s Day card received by Service User A from the registrant
04/02/2022: SKYPE session between Service User A and registrant. Registrant observed to share photographs of herself in a bikini and topless with her arms across her breasts during the call
06/02/2022 SKYPE: call between registrant and Service User A followed immediately by phone call between Service User A and registrant
07/02/2022 SKYPE: call between registrant and Service User A
08/02/2022 SKYPE: call between registrant and Service User A including the registrant showing Service User A photos of other men and asking him to rate them
10/02/2022 SKYPE call between registrant and Service User A
12/02/2022 Mobile telephone call between Service User A and registrant
12/02/2022 SKYPE call between registrant and Service User A
14/02/2022 SKYPE call between registrant and Service User A
15/02/2022 SKYPE call between registrant and Service User A

Schedule C
1. You told Service User A, “You make me happy. I will miss your face. I’m seeing you in less that two weeks I’m really excited. I’m with you to the end” or words to that effect.

2. After Service User A asked you what side of the bed was his, you demonstrated the side of the bed to him.

3. You agreed to send photographs of yourself to Service User A.

4. When Service User A spoke about your ‘peach’, you stood up and showed him your clothed buttocks.

Schedule D
1. Cover of the card has photographs of you in a bikini and topless (with an arm across your breasts).

2. The card contains the following message:
“Words are not enough to express my feelings for you. You make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face even in my worst days and you always show me how much you love me and care for me. Even the darkest thoughts fade away when you smile at me. And when you look me in the eyes my world shines as bright as you.

You are my best friend and my lover. I feel like the luckiest woman on Earth because I have the most wonderful man by my side. Thank you for being my rock.

I hope your birthday is as beautiful and full of love as you are. You deserve only the best, and I only wish that for you. May life bring you everything you are dreaming about.

Happy birthday bumbo mio…
His is the first of many birthdays together. I’m sure we’ll make I special together and we’ll remember if forever for this reason.

Più di ieri, meno di domani
Always and forever
Lisa xxx


No information currently available


No information currently available


No notes available

Hearing History

History of Hearings for Lisa Forgione

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
05/02/2025 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Hearing has not yet been held
23/08/2024 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
14/05/2024 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
03/11/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
31/07/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
10/05/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
08/02/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
11/08/2022 Investigating Committee Interim Order Application Interim Suspension