Mr Matthew Lee Taylor

Profession: Paramedic

Registration Number: PA35604

Hearing Type: Review Hearing

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 04/04/2024 End: 17:00 04/04/2024

Location: This hearing is being held remotely via video conference

Panel: Conduct and Competence Committee
Outcome: Adjourned

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As a registered Paramedic (PA35604) your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct and/or lack of competence. In that

1. Between 2 November 2019 and 3 November 2019, in relation to Service User A, you:

a) Did not obtain and/or record an adequate clinical history

b) Did not undertake an adequate physical assessment

c) Recorded that you had undertaken a physical assessment of Service User A when this was not the case

d) Demonstrated poor clinical reasoning in that you incorrectly diagnosed Service User A with a urinary tract infection when she was suffering from septic miscarriage

e) Supplied Service User A with Nitrofurantoin 100mg, twice daily for 7 days when this was not in accordance with the Patient Group Directive (PGD) which specifies a 3-day course.

2. Between 2 November 2019 and 3 November 2019, you did not communicate professionally during a consultation with Service User A, in the presence of

Person A, in that:

a) You said to Service User A: “do you know what happens when you have unprotected sex” or words to that effect;

b) You said to Person A: have you thought of having “the f*****g snip” or words to that effect;

c) In relation to b), you said to Person A: that your wife and friends “f*****g love it” or words to that effect;

d) You said to Service User A: “It won’t help wearing a bin bag coat” or words to that effect.

3. On or around 5 January 2020, in relation to Service User C, you:

a) Supplied a five day course of Ciprofloxacin to Service User C when this was not clinically indicated and/or was not in accordance with the PGDs

b) Did not supply a three day course of Nitrofurantoin in response to Service User C’s clinical presentation and/or as permitted by the PGDs

4. On or around 11 January 2020 you demonstrated poor clinical reasoning in that you incorrectly diagnosed Service User B with a urinary tract infection when they were suffering from a bowel obstruction.

5. On or around 11 January 2020, in relation to Service User D, you

a) Did not record and/or investigate a possible urinary tract infection via urinary analysis

b) Did not maintain adequate records in that you did not record the dosage and/or duration of the medication supplied

c) Did not follow the Trimethoprim PGD in that you did not ensure and/or record that Service User D met the inclusion and/or exclusion criteria for administration

6. On 11 January 2020 you did not refer Service User E to the local early pregnancy advisor services following a presentation of vaginal bleeding at seven weeks pregnant.

7. On or around 11 January 2020, in relation to Service User E, you:

a) Did not follow the PGD for Nitrofurantoin in that you did not ensure and/or record that Service User E met the exclusion and/or inclusion criteria for administration

b) Prescribed Nitrofurantoin to a pregnant patient when the PGD stated this as an exclusion criteria

c) Did not record the dosage and/or duration of the course of medication

8. In relation to the matters set out at paragraph 1e), 3a) and 7b) you acted outside of your scope of practice.

9. The matters set out in paragraph 2 above constitute misconduct.

10.The matters set out in paragraphs 1 and/or 3 and/or and/or 4 and/or 5 and/or 6 and/or 7 and/or 8 constitute misconduct and/or lack of competence.

11.By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired


No information currently available


This hearing has adjourned, with no evidence heard. The date for the rescheduled hearing is to be confirmed.


No notes available

Hearing History

History of Hearings for Mr Matthew Lee Taylor

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
29/04/2024 Conduct and Competence Committee Review Hearing Suspended
04/04/2024 Conduct and Competence Committee Review Hearing Adjourned
03/07/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Suspended
18/04/2023 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Adjourned part heard